spider bite and maybe more Hi Everyone!
I am new to this site and new as a Yorkie mommy! My 15 month old Yorkie is on antibiotics and painkillers for what the vet things is a spider bite! Poor baby is not well, but eating, etc.
However, I am very concerned because I wonder if this is secondary to something else. For about a week Sunny would, once and awhile, act like something was "getting her" by looking at her backside, licking toward her hip, etc. I checked her over constantly, found nothing. She was running and playing. All was well, until 2 days ago I saw what I thought may be ringworm and immediately took her to the vet. No ringworm, but an infection. They shaved her leg so I can apply a lotion (stopped after 2 times as it was burning her), and gave her antibiotics. Yesterday morning Sunny was trhowing herself on the ground in pain, I took her back and now she is on pain killers and the antibiotics seem to be working. She is licking at site, but still will run likesomething is getting her when she has to walk.
Can anyone help me with what I should discuss with the vet. I called and made a follow up appointment for monday AM
Thanks! |