Hi Dixies Mom ~~~
It is very hard to evaluate the pup by the pic.. do you have full pics of this little lady? If you would prefer to email me... that is fine also.
From what I can see on her leg.. looks like brown spotting. In relation to the size of the leg I can't really tell how large it is, but would love to see a full pic with the color splotching you are talking about. Then a better Idea could be given on opinion as to being a small color fault... or large.
I would be concerned on her size, however, she may be from slow growing lines. Has the breeder mentioned that her line is slow growing?
Originally Posted by Dixies Mom I purchased my first Biewer last year, (she was born November 16). I picked her up at the breeders residence in PA. on March 20.
This girl was to be my show/breeding girl and the start of my Biewer breeding program.
After having Caylee of almost a month she developed liver colored ticking on her neck, chest, legs and feet. The ticking began to produce color on the legs.
Is this acceptable? The standard calls for "Pure or Absolute" white, is there a "gray" area in the standard?
I had her entered in an IABCA show earlier but pulled her because of the obvious coloring.
For those who have been with this breed longer I would certainly appreciate your input.
Also Caylee is 8 months now and 3 pounds 8 ozs. According to the breeder she can still be bred, are the Biewers different?
I included a couple pics of the coloring |