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Old 07-12-2010, 05:31 PM   #11
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I also went through all this with Bridget. I tried every dish/bowl in the house. Even no plate/bowl. She would only eat her food if fed by hand - or if given as a "treat" (which takes forever with the size her kibble is). Even her soft/canned food she would only eat from a spoon or my fingers. I figured this was it and I needed to get her to eat - so be it. Then I noticed - all the dishes she wouldn't eat her food from - were the same dishes she would steal the cat food from.....she was obviously smarter then I am - or should I say WAS. I still hand feed her kibble to her in the evening - it's kind of our bonding time. But I do know that she will eat it if she's hungry (I've seen her do it), and I do leave some out for her during the day...just in case. She also likes to have ice cube in her water - I don't think it's so much for the drinking part as it is for the playing part. She has trained me well....!
Proud member of the CrAzYcLuB

Donna......owned by Bridget and Greta (and wouldn't have it any other way!)
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