Vomitting and loss of appetite Mack has not eaten a meal since Saturday morning (usually eats royal canin for small dogs) He is 11 months old and very active, but since Saturday, he vomits often, when he goes outside to potty, he will eat grass, then come in and vomit. He will drink very little water. I've been giving him nutri-cal since he is not eating. Took him to the vet this morning and he tells me that he does not have a blockage or anything serious and it may be that his esophogas is irritated from the vomitting and he won't eat because his throat hurts. No duh . . . poor guy is pathetic and lays around and sleeps all day. The vet gave hima a shot of daphenydrmine and a dose of carafate to coat his throat and stomach from irritation. I am supposed to give him an antibiotic twice a day and children's antihistimine every 6 hours. Has anyone had this happen before? How long til Mack feels good enough to eat. I'm worried sick, I can't stand for something to happen to him. Thanks for any information. |