Little whip, it is a sad diagnosis and very scary. Thank goodness, Sunshine is not to the point where I really believe oxygen is necessary, I am just trying to think ahead. If we do need it one day, I want to have it on hand. The Temaril-P only contains 2mg of Prednisolone, so when I give her 1/2 a tablet once a day, I am only really giving her 1mg a day. She was originally prescribed 1 tablet twice a day and I have gradually reduced it. The 1/2 tablet controlls her itching immensely. As a matter of fact, she doesn't itch at all anymore. Without it she is constantly itching, bleeding and scabby. My husband is bad about giving her and my other dogs treats, but with this diagnosis being official, we are cutting that out completely. I don't excercise her either (it brings on episodes), so that doesn't help with the weight gain. You said that you use a fan on her. Just a regular household fan? I had one in our room and she would sleep in front of it, but if she started coughing, I would think that the fan was irritating her and we quit using it. Maybe I was wrong and it actually helps? Does it help Molly? |