Did you buy him with the specific intention of breeding him? I read in one of your other posts that he came from rather poor conditions.
You've also stated that you can no longer get in touch with the breeder.
All these things send up red flags that this is NOT a boy you should even be considering breeding in the future.
Without a full and accurate history on his line, how can you be sure he is healthy enough to breed or whether he is even an excellent representative of the line? Are you willing to pay for all the health testing that goes in to breeding? Are you willing to stand behind any health guarantee the dam's owners offer (which could include you being required to fork over a lot of $$ for any genetic defects in the pups).
I just don't see why you would even want to take the chance on doing this unless the puppy was purchased from a reputable breeder with a strong show and good health history and with their express blessing to breed (not just the lack of a blacked out box on a form.)
My apologies in advance to the very good breeders on here if I over stepped my bounds.