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Old 05-29-2010, 02:17 PM   #6
Resident Yorkie Nut Donating YT 20K Club Member
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I would definitely consult with a specialist! It will be well worth the money to get an opinion from someone who sees these things all of the time. As for the anesthesia risk, sometimes a pup can have an issue with anesthesia once and not again. It is hard to say what happened. I would be frightened about future anesthesia as well. I would definitely also speak with a specialist about the pulmonary edema during anesthesia. Sadly, when yorkies teeth are neglected for years, this is the outcome.

I am very sorry that a rescue told you he had a dental...clearly that was NOT done OR, if it was, then the rescue needs to know that their vet did a terrible job! I would contact them for sure...if for no other reason than to appraise them of the situation you are now in. A reputable yorkie rescue would never adopt a pup out in that condition! I don't know how you feel about it, but it might be a good idea to let others know about this rescue so that they don't end up adopting a problem like you have.

I hope that you can find a good specialist for Nicky and that perhaps he can be helped without the kind of cost you are thinking it might be. Please keep us posted on what is happening with him.
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