Thread: Groomer woes
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Old 05-21-2010, 09:26 PM   #1
Yorkie mom of 4
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Default Groomer woes

Groomer woes. I had been taking Callie to petco to be groomed for at least the last 7 times and we always have the same person do it, she had been doing such a great job but I notice the time before last she did a little sloppy job and well this last time she missed a few spots of hair and the big woe is she shaved it down to the skin under her eye like where there would be tear stains on some dogs and there was a few tiny cuts. I didnt notice the mess up on her face until we were home because when I first picked her up she was mad at me because she hates to be left and would not look at me. I understand sometimes they move and accidents happen but what really bothers me is she didnt even come out and tell me it happened and there is no way she didnt know it happened. I think I have pretty much decided not to go back. I thought I had found "the" groomer but I guess not. I just want to scream because it seems so hard to find a good groomer!
My babies Joey, Penny ,Ollie & Dixie
Callie Mae, you will forever be in my heart!
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