Originally Posted by mscat Thanks Nancy for posting this  My yorkie has never eaten her poop , however, my Shih Tzu who is barely a yr old has done this . SHe is a pure bred AKC pup , and eats Wellness small breed .
I do not think it is a puppymill thing , or a BYB thing at all, my 2 girls are not from either .
They eat high quality food as well , and the shih tzu pup does not always eat her poo . Perhaps she is just cleaning up after herself. SHe is also fully pad trained .
I like your ideas , thank you, Nancy . |
I don't think the food necessarily has to be low quality, but some dogs do have a harder time digesting certain protein than others. Some people have found switching food helps; others say it makes no difference. Some people rave about the pineapple, others say, no difference. I agree with you it's probably not puppy mill or byb thing, but since it could be something different in different dogs it's hard to have one clear answer for all.