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Old 05-11-2010, 05:56 AM   #1
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Teeth What a good girl!!!

Izzy is 7 mouths old today. She sleeps in our bed everynight, but our bed is very high off the ground so she can't just jump off. She loves to sleep with us.

For the couple of days a noticed the She has had VERY loose...Well I tried to put her in her crate to sleep but she looked so sad :-(...She didn't cry she just looked really sad. So I let her sleep with us last night anyway...(knowing that shwe my poop in my bed)

Well last night she woke me up 3 times to take her poop outside :-) I was so proud of her.... What a good girl....All my hard work in potty training her has really paid off..

But know I have to find out what is causing her Diarrhea....I guess it's boilded brown rice and chicken breast for her the next couple of days.
My Sweet Little Izzy
Yup, She's stolen my heart!!
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