Wrigley was pee pad trained by the breeder, so that part was a breeze.
We already had Crosley who only potties outside (she's 17-18lbs) so Wrigley would go out with her and potty there or her pad with no real training on our part. I don't think she was typical with potty training, we got lucky!
Camden was a breeding dog who was 2 1/2 when we got her. So I think the poor little thing was used to going potty wherever she could! We have had her for two years and honestly it's been in the last 6-9 months that she's been more consistent about either using the pad or going outside. (vs the floor
We just praised every potty when she would go on the pad or outside, we don't ever scold for accidents. We got to know her habits and usual times of going and would take her to the pad or outside and make sure she went and praise again. She honestly will still have an occasional accident, but she's sooo greatly improved. She's funny because she will do both out or inside, but she prefers to pee out and poop inside, go figure!
It takes a lot of hard work, consistency & patience. They will get it, but some are faster!
Do you free feed now? We don't otherwise only one dog would get to eat (Crosley)
I would leave water though for sure. We use a bell for Crosley too. Camden rings it, but it's usually for playing or because she hears a noise!