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Old 04-15-2010, 08:02 PM   #3
joeys mom
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Location: Richlands, VA
Posts: 269
Default Bless You!!!!

I too adopted/bought a female yorkie that was a little over a year old. (bought because they wanted $100 to get her registration papers). On the way home with her, I felt a pea sized knot on her side. Turned out to be a BB. Their neighbor's boy shot her when she was very young. She was not housebroken, and had no idea of what affection was other than biting our toes. She did not know any commands and was basically a very sad little girl that would run out the door when it opened. In the first month, we took her camping at the beach. She tore the screen out of the door, destroyed a mini blind. Peed on my daughters/son-in-laws bed, pooped in their suitcase. I will have had her a year the first of July, and I love her to death. She will now, just in the last 2 weeks started to sit for treats and her food. She will hop into our laps and give kisses on our hands. She also wants to be right with us where ever we are. I have a 1.5 year old little boy that I have had from a puppy and they now love to play together, she sometimes acts jealous of him. I guess when you know they haven't had the happiest life prior, it truly warms our hearts to see they are happy.... You will be very blessed, Oh, she still loves the toes, now she will even nibble on our pants leg or shirts Good Luck!!!
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