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Old 04-13-2010, 11:44 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by mileydog View Post
I agree that quality food will help and I am a firm believer that diet is a key driver to living a healthy lifestyle. My problem is that although most people understand that diet is important but they cannot commit to follow a strict diet. Many times I see soccor mom's buying Mcdonalds and Taco Bell for their skin kids but they are also telling me how they are home cooking for their dogs. It just seems so odd that they don't provide the same quality of foods for both the fur babies and the skin kids. I mean to go through the extra effort to cook for the dogs and then to buy Taco Bell for the 10 year old kids makes no sense.
i think maybe part of it is that children can talk back and tell you that your cooking sucks and pester you about buying them food from taco bell or mcdonalds while dogs cannot and will not do that. most dogs will happily eat what you have prepared for them. i don't have children, i don't know how difficult or easy it is to get children to eat healthy.
__________________ i love milu
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