Thread: My Phobia is...
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Old 04-02-2010, 12:33 PM   #5
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Default I have a few

My biggest phobia is dry ice . . .we go to Disney World a lot and up until a few years ago I had no problem going into It's Tough To Be A Bug, but one year we happened to be sitting in the middle of the theatre and the part where the "bug spray" is sprayed over the audience, I panicked and couldn't breath . . the dry ice was pouring down on top of me and I thought I was suffocating, literally I freaked out . . .So any ride that has dry ice I avoid now like the plague.

I also can't do enclosed spaces . . .we went over to Tom Sawyer's Island and went into the cave and I had to turn around . . .

I also am scared to death of bees . . .when I was little we all went to a carnival in town and I was over by the cotton candy booth and I heard this buzz buzz buzz around my ear . . .when I went to go swipe it away that little bugger stung me! I was like 6, but I remember that like it was yesterday.

Sometimes I feel like such a woos!
Deb, Mommy to: Brody & Rhianna Belle
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