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Old 03-22-2010, 04:13 AM   #14
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Florida
Posts: 22

Originally Posted by dwerten View Post
yeah 1300 does not sound right and have never heard of a cat scan being done for this it is usually a scintigraphy to determine a liver shunt so i am really confused - is your dog having symptoms?

ask vet what pre and post bile acid numbers are and ask vet what ALT is and what is normal for that lab

His ALT levels are normal, they are 25...They said that they put a dye into his system to see the flow of his blood to see if it is shunting, which is what I thought a scintigraphy was, but they called it a cat scan. He acted almost drunk (standing still and wobbling, rocking back and forth) the day we started this, but now on the mediucine he shakes once in a while. I don't know if he has some hypergylcimea or if that is something associated with MVD.
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