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Old 03-20-2010, 03:39 AM   #5
Missing Yoshi Everyday!
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i believe some are trying that no bite command when she is biting where she should and replacing it with a chew toy or something that is ok for her to bite on....also some are trying the no bite command and turning away.

also some will say no bite...pick him/her up and take to crate for a 1-2 minute timeout...and if she/he is quiet then bring back out to play...repeat if needed and everyone that is affected should be doing the exact same thing so that the puppy no that it is not acceptable and will associate the behavior with the time out...

yorkies love to be around people...and the time out thing will somehow click in their head that biting or whatever may lead them to not being with their people...good luck
Yoshi Mei Ling Ting Ting Ting Ki Sun Hye Yukio Kioshi
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