Originally Posted by rmt5001 I went to two different stores looking for pumpkin. The guy at the second store said there was a problem with pumpkin crops this year and so it will be a while before they start producing canned pumpkin again. Beckett has had loose stools for a few days and yesterday had diarrhea all over his kennel. He has no other signs of sickness.
Is there anything else I can give him to help firm his stool? |
how about lassen health food store they had it as i ran into that problem too - i have a link i will post as someone told me where to get it
Maxwell Dog Online this place by me has it and they may ship it to you as they have a dog version
green beans can help but i use organic always
also probiotics dds plus from vitamin shoppe and several people on here used it and cleared up diarhea asap and it does for mine too - i double up 4 capsules when mine have diarhea and 2 capsules a day in my dog that has stool issues