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Old 02-02-2010, 04:53 PM   #15
Ashley V
♥ Chip ♥ Smokey ♥
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Chip "attacks" my shoes as I put them on. First he started with my pants... as I'd be putting them on, he'd jump on them growling in hopes he'd pull the out of my hand... he actually made me fall a couple times. I guess he realized that wasn't working to keep me home, so he start jumping on my shoes, growling, to knock them out of my hand. When he succeeds, he just stands in front of me wagging his little tail.
~*~ Chip ~*~ Smokey ~*~
My heart is wrapped around their little paws

Karley Marissa born 1/20/12 weighing 8 lbs 11 oz and 21.5 inches long
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