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Old 01-17-2010, 01:33 PM   #3
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its happened twice to us, once when we went to a local park and just walked around the side walk, Harley got them from just sniffing around the edges, I was able to work all of them out.

the second time my DH took the boys out and Harley came back covered in them, I swear he had let him role around in a sticker bush. Harley has a different coat than Samson so they really stick in there. we had to cut most of them out, it was pitiful. He had this perfect long beard and we had to cut only half of it. he had chucks we had to cut. I took him to the groomers later in the week when we could get him in and had them fix everything but I was so sad because he has this thick coat that I love. We actually keep it shorter now. it just became too much when he got things in it. it is less stress on both of us this way
Cris --Mom to Samson and Harley and Josie the pitbull
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