Thread: Petland
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Old 01-16-2010, 01:41 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by MaddieBoo View Post
That is so heartbreaking. And it is true, people here don't seem to know what's going on in their own "backyard". It's so easy to say "Well that just happens in the States". Now I feel even more confident with the information I have to tell people just how horrific puppy mills are, and that they're closer to home than we think.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. How is your little pug now?
Thanks for asking how Tang is doing. She isn't doing very well. This disorder doesn't get any better, it just gradually gets worse. She is to the point now where she can scuffle around a little bit, but I mostly have to pick her up and carry her to where she needs to go. She will still stand at her food bowl (pug dogs love their food) but besides that she spends her life laying on soft cushions. When I take her outside for a pee break, I have to support her backend with a towel looped under her waist because she can't crouch and balance to pee. Even with the towel, it is hard for her, she usually has to make 3-4 attempts before she's done her full pee. Besides her lack of mobility though, she does seem still content and somewhat happy. She enjoys being around Missy and Dora, and my children. She will actually play with the yorkies but in a laying down position. Until she seems to really have really no quality of life at all, we will continue to help and support her.
Shaunna with Missy (my princess) & Dora (my tomboy)
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