Peanut doesn't like ot be brushed...he wiggles, squirms, bites at the brush or comb, whines and growls at me!
Now, he's only 4 pounds so I'm not too scared but my goodness...I'm used to my chunky butt girls and I'm not sure how to handle this little bitty thing without risking hurting him because he wiggles so much!
I don't have a grooming table...I just use a wooden t.v. tray with a gripper underneath a towel for the boys since they are so small. He doesn't have tangles, his coat is silk and I use Maden brushes and combs. I don't press down with any pressure at all and my girls love their brushes...I guess Peanut just doesn't like the feel of them on his skin?
Everytime he whines or twists around so I get away from that spot I tell him 'no' and he just smiles at me. Do you know what that little smile does to me? I'm being manipulated...aren't I?
Any suggestions?