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Old 11-14-2005, 05:17 PM   #13
YT 3000 Club Member
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Originally Posted by Yorkieluv
Hahah, this post had me cracking up! It sounds just like something Miko would do. In fact, whenever he gets out and I call him or try to chase him, he just runs the other way. It's hilarious and scary at the same time! He looks like a rabbit hopping all over the yard, and he won't come to me. But Miko gives me a "haha, you can't catch me look" and when I finally do get him he just looks so pleased with himself. He does have the guilty look mastered too though! He uses that on me quite a bit also and I can't help but just give him kisses! Those pics are adorable, by the way!!
He has never ran from me before. It scared the hell out of me! He's always running away from the kids but will always come to me. Little brat!!!

Yes Megan that is our pool. Just built it last year. We always wanted one but waited till the kids got older,,, I now have Cherish and worry so much. I don't have to worry about Gus falling in because he wont go near it after i accidently kick him in while cleaning it. He'll run around chasing the kids but stays away from the sides of the pool. But he sure loves to kick back out there with me. And will go in the pool as long as I'm on a raft
Monica, Proud mom of Gus who is forever missed! And new mom to Leiloni
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