Thread: overweight?
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Old 03-25-2005, 01:38 PM   #5
artie merlino
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Default Diet No Way!

Diet? Gee, he's just a puppy, give him a break? They usually get kind of chubby, but it's temporary. They grow out of it. My Artie is 6 pounds but he is solid weight since I exercise him 7 days a week. I used to worry because I used to see other Yorkies that were very small, females with their owners bragging that they were only 2.5 pounds or males @ 4 pounds, but then again
I've seen 20 pound females and 10 pound males, but had no papers. So I think his weight is perfect for me! Whenever I worry I just run or walk him more? Maybe if your worried about him being overweight or chunky? I would give him more exercise? But I don't think he is, your Vet. would have told you or warned you if he was at risk?
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