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Old 12-14-2009, 10:27 AM   #12
Princess Poop A Lot
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Originally Posted by JeanieK View Post
The problem starts with the breed clubs that set the standards and refuse to see the problem.

But it also lies with the breeders who are breeding these dogs, knowing that they carry the genetic defect.

If the breeders stopped breeding them the breed would die off, but if the club changed the standard, the breed could continue and the damage be reversed.

It just makes one wonder that with the YTCA DQing all of the colors if the they are going to go the same direction.

Perhaps the off colors will someday become the standard out of necessity.
Parti breedeers have the option of breeding to any yorkshire terrier line, to create carriers. Our gene pool is not limited.
How much studying have you done with the piebald gene or the irish spotting gene. There are some breeders that believe it could harm the dogs and we do know if to much white they will be deaf. Your Parti and the Biewers have both genes or one gene -piebald recessive so you can't throw dirt on this one until more research is done. I have not done research on the chocolate or golden but explain why you need to breed back about every 5th generation to the Yorkies or the dogs will go all white and slowly start dying.
Cindy & The Rescued Gang
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