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Old 12-04-2009, 07:11 PM   #22
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Default Punken Scored... Big One Night, didn't make Mom to happy.

No squirrel but Punken did bring me a baby possum. She much have thought it was one of her toys because she was just holding it in her mouth. I had just let her out in the yard for her last potty call for the night. Mind you, 10:00 and she decides to bring me a gift.
When she came to the porch, this thing was hanging in her mouth, it was playing possum. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to do.. lol
I told her to drop it before something happen to Punken, she dropped it alright, right on the back porch and the little sucker ran into the house. I grabbed Punken and Breese and was yelling for help, no one came. Finally, went across the street to Larry, to rescue me and my little girls.
I'm a wreck, and he's laughing his head off. I told him, he better go get it out of my house or I'd be spending the night with him. lol
He went in to get it alright, it had gone behind the toilet tank and he could see the tail hanging down. Mind you, I'm outside my yard and didn't see it go out but he told me, he scooted it outside with the towel.
After this great experience, I didn't trust anyone, I let Punken in to make sure it was out... lol She came out again.... looking for it in the yard.

Kathleen.. Mom To My Little Girls: Punken Pie and Breese Be Be
RIP: My Lil Ol Tuffy
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