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Old 11-23-2009, 09:54 AM   #1
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Posts: 127
Unhappy NV RAW: black coal-like pallets aka denaturant

hello all,

i've been feeding Nature's Variety raw medallions for over 2 years and for the last few days have been finding these hard, black, coal-like pallets in the meat (see picture). has anyone seen this?

i've contacted NV and this is the response:

Thanks for emailing! What you are seeing is denaturant. Denaturant is an edible coloring that is required to be placed on meat going to a pet food facility. Processing facilities usually do not label products intended for pet food with the USDA mark of inspection, so they must have this coloring applied. This coloring must be applied because product without the USDA mark of inspection legally can’t be processed as human food. Sometimes the denaturant can remain visible, but usually is mixes into the protein and is not seen. The denaturant is edible and safe for consumption, although we can appreciate your concern. Thank you for contacting us so that we might have the opportunity to alleviate any concern you might have and provide and explanation.

Customer Service
Nature's Variety

i researched this denaturation process and it does not seem pretty. i thought i was doing the best for my baby by feeding him NV but i can't imagine him eating hard coal-like substance and it being healthy for him. AND simply removing these visible hard pellets won't help because the whole meat is covered with this.

am i over-reacting?
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Coco a.k.a Cocoster/CocoMonster/CocoLoco/CocoMango
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