Thread: Fencing ideas
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Old 11-03-2009, 10:02 AM   #8
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We had white vinyl fencing around our patio area before we got Roxy. The kind you get at home stores & fencing companies. The bars are about 3" apart which is too far apart for most yorkies. DH lined the fencing with some 2"x4" wire fencing about 3-4 ft high, fastening it onto the vinyl with those nylon ties. I didn't think I'd like the way it looks, but it doesn't look all that bad since our sitting area is up by the house. It works great for her & she's got an area about 25' x 80' long yard to play in. She absolutely loves it.

Some yorkies are great jumpers, so don't underestimate the needed height. The space between bars will depend on the width of your dogs. Need to be close enough that they won't be able to squeeze through.

We've had no rabbits or even chipmunks up near the house all year. Think that's got more to do with Roxy than the fencing. : )
June ~ Roxy LUV LUV
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