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Old 11-03-2009, 09:38 AM   #3
I ♥ Joey & Ralphie!
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I'm not sure what you mean by "he gets very aggressive." I think you are correct to tell him "no" and push him away when he does this. I'm wondering if anyone in the house ever allowed this behavior with humans? You need to be firm but not aggressive when you say no, and repeat every time he tries to do this with a human. I agree, he thinks he is dominant, and there are several things you can do to show you're the boss. I believe that a dog is actually happiest knowing that the humans are the bosses, and he can give up the roll of top dog. Cesar suggests always making the dog sit before you give him his food bowl, and make the dog stay until the release command has been given. A dog should understand all food comes through you. Also, walking in a purposeful way with your dog makes him feel like he's a valuable member of the pack, but not the pack leader. You can read more about purposeful walking on Cesar site, and learn why a walk everyday with your dog is so important for his mental health.
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