I rarely eat meat anymore anyhow but that just sound like an horrible idea to me... With all those recall as you mention.
Not all, but many chickens are keep in horrible condition if not tortured In OUR American/Canadian farm and slaughterhouse!!!
The government can't even controlled the farm industry here, how on hell do they think those chicken will be safe to eat comming from there... living in horrible conditions...
I stop eating meat after watching the movie Earthline about 1.5 year ago now... Not because I think human shouldn't eat meat, but because I refused to encourage that disgusting abused of life!!
So here THEY go again... Trying to save a few $$$... forgetting all morals... Refusing to think about the consequence of their act...
Just a friendly remainder for the meat eater, I know it's a little costly, but buying organic meat is the best way to help the cause without giving up meat ... please do your research...
Sorry for going out of subject a little.
And thank you for posting that info!