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Old 10-07-2009, 01:07 PM   #3
♥Momma's Bambino♥
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Yup K9 Advantix is the BEST!

I googled these:

Keep Mosquitoes away.....
Put Amber colored mouth wash in a spray bottle(generic brand will do)
Spray area(patio,pool,camping ground etc..) 30 mins before hanging out in the area

To keep mosquitoes away outdoors, take dryer fabric (like Bounce,etc.) sheets and tie a couple under your chair!!!

Spray a mixture of water & vanilla extract on your skin before you go outside I promise it works & you smell good too!

Plant marigolds, catnip and rosemary in your garden and around your house. These plants all emit odors that are unpleasant to mosquitoes and will keep them away.

Spritz yourself with lemon eucalyptus oil. You can get this from a health food store. Put five drops of the oil in 1 cup of water, then put the mixture in a plastic spray bottle and give yourself two or three good sprays before going outside. The scent of the oil will keep mosquitoes away.

Burn citronella candles around your house when you are outside at night. Mosquitoes hate citronella. Make sure you create a ring of lit citronella candles around wherever it is you are planning to be when you are outside.

Remove any sources of stagnant standing water from around your home. Mosquitoes love standing water and use it as a breeding ground. Even a small planter pot that has been left outside and filled up with rain water is a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes, so get rid of it.

Put up mosquito netting all around where you are planning to be outside. You can get mosquito netting from most sports and camping supply stores. The netting has thousands of tiny holes in it that are big enough for you to see out of, but too small for the mosquitoes to fly through. This netting is widely used in Africa in areas that are prone to malaria.

Hope that helps!!
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