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Old 09-10-2009, 07:34 AM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 9
Question Skin Problem Please help me!!

Hi Everyone,

My 5 month old Yorkie has developed some sort of skin problem. This started about 4 weeks ago. On the back of her neck she has a round (larger than a quarter) size scaly itchy area where the hair has stopped growing. Its not red and theres no pus or bumps (things ive read about online). The doctor tested her for parasites but said it didnt find any. She gave us a spray that we used and that didnt help. I dont know what else to do....should i put vitamin e capsules and eloe vera on the spot? She keeps itching it and it looks like dandruff is falling onto her back. However, the spot doesnt have hair growing there and im really scared. We called the doctor and she said that we can put baby oil and it wouldnt hurt but she doesnt know exactly whats going on. I dont know what to do...has anyone had this happen or have any suggestions for me??

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