Thread: itching???
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Old 09-09-2009, 07:31 AM   #9
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by sferrini View Post
I was giving her benedryl and did not do much for her. The steroids only work for about a week but from my personal experience even with steroids if you are inhaling or ingesting the allergy it will not work.

I have many allergies to both food and environmental and am miserable this time of year also.
steroids and atopica will work for allergies but i prefer temarilp which is prednisolone and steroids have to be weaned on and off so best to give small doses every other day than one big whamy of dexamothesone which is much stronger and does not last long either -- my dd is 6lb and on 1/2 tab every other day and her blood work is perfect - NOW that being said i prefer natural first and tried everything natural for years but she was miserable. Ask your vet about zyrtec as i found in reading that is what works better as many dogs benedryl does not work and they have to give 2-3 times a day - Steroids will not work for food allergy only environmental allergies
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