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Old 09-05-2009, 09:23 PM   #7
Tilly & Sami
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when I brought him in, I brought along his medical records, and his record of injuections and told me he was due, and I did ask is that a good idea since he is sick? he told me it shouldn't bother him. well it has and he is so sick. since I moved here sami hasn't had any illness and I knew his vacines were due, but I didn't have to much of a choice being a saturday and the only vet within 15 miles that was open unitl 12, I don't know this vets record at all, but sami has been sick all day throwing up I am really freaked that he may die if I fall asleep I know I am being a bit obsessive but he is all I have and I am just so worried. I must be overreacting because he has never been this sick. the dr gave him annual dhlpp, 3 year rabies , single injection (antibotic antifungal?) and animax ointment to be put in once a day. i have been giving him water. I never have the groomer pluck his ears Im don't even know why he has an infection? could I give him pedillite? or something like that tomorrow? or chicken soup? I apologize I lost tilly a few months back and I guess maybe I am just over reacting here, well thank you all I am going to take him back to bed he follows me everywhere so that must be a good thing to know I leave him? right. well goodnite thanks again
Rip Tilly girl
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