I've been trying to work on "leave it" with Bailey. She's actually doing pretty well because when I let her have the run of the house, which is very rarely, and she rushes towards the cat food, she'll leave it alone about 60% of the time lately if I tell her to leave it.
Anyway, it's funny because I really can't even work on the training for it with her anymore. She's become very distrustful. I will get two treats, put one down on my knee so it's within grasp, and if she leaves it I give her the other. But she learned too fast that she can never get the treat on my knee, so she now thinks the whole thing is a big trick. As soon as I set a treat on my knee she runs from the room, like "you're not gonna trick me with the treat you'll snatch away!"
I guess she's just too smart for me.