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Old 08-13-2009, 11:48 AM   #15
Action Jackson ♥
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I mean, I understand where he is coming from, however since I'm a dog person, it doesn't bother me if you allow your dog to go on my lawn. But I could see if you don't have dogs that it would bother you. I live on a 3 acre property so we don't live in a neighborhood, but 3x a week I drive Jackson to a neighborhood to walk him and I allow him to pee on the corners of the grass, but not like in the middle of someone's yard or anything. Poop is always picked up. Over at my dad's house, it's a neighborhood with about 12 houses but it's still in the "country" and basically all but our dogs are off leash and all over the place... so they poop and pee all over, lol.
~ Brit & Lights! Camera! Jackson! CGC ETD TKP ~
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