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Old 10-29-2005, 08:40 AM   #6
YT 1000 Club Member
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Originally Posted by cece
Since having a new addition to the home, my girl (1 year old) who i've had since 8 weeks, has peed on me while on top of the sofa, 2 times now. She was always so good using the litter box but I have noticed since getting the new pup, she isn't using it as much now...really annoys me. Any suggestions?

It's hard not to attribute human motives to this, isn't it? It almost sounds like she is P'ed off at you for getting a new baby. <pun intended>

I'd probably go back to treating the 1 year old when you catch her using the litter box for a while. I probably wouldn't allow her on my white sofa for a while either!
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