Thread: Poor Ginger!!
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Old 08-04-2009, 03:03 PM   #1
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Unhappy Poor Ginger!!

My 2nd dog is in the EC . Her name is Gingy. She ate some snail bait or something they believe. She almost died but they think she is going to survive although it isn't positive. I am so sad I love her so much she's my neighbors dog and I walk her all the time. Her brother Jack is at my house right now since I didn't want him to be lonely! I feel so bad there isn't anything I can do. They don't use snail bait and their dog died 10 years ago from it so they got rid of it then. They aren't sure how she got it.

It's so strange this morning I just had this feeling she wasn't ok. They live like 2 minutes away walking. I don't know why I felt like she was hurt but I did so I texted her mom and her dad asking about her and then they called me and I was so sad . It's so weird why I did that though... but now I have a feeling she is going to make it so I hope my gut feeling is right. Poor baby I hope she gets better!!
Vanessa & Scruffs (2 year old Yorkie)
RIP My Little Neu (16 year old Cocker Spaniel)
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