Thread: Puppy Hernia?
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Old 07-17-2009, 11:09 PM   #7
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Hy Bsparr,
Welcome to YT !!

The best thing for you to do is take your pup to the vets...

They will determine what kind of hernia it has... there are different types of hernias... basically what you want to know is if it is an accidental hernia, perhaps an umbilical hernia caused by mom violently shaking and trying to cut off the umbilical for an example...

Or it could a hernia caused by a genetic predisposition to have weak muscle walls of the abdomen, like inguinal hernias usually are ...

Then after the vet determines that you and him will be discussing the next step... depending on the severity of the hernia surgery will be recomended sooner rather than later.

If it is not that severe but still needs to be fixed by surgery you may wait until it is time to get the dog fixed and get it done right there...

And it may be such a small hernia that may have a great chance of closing as the puppy grows and abdominal walls gets stronger...

Good Luck !
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