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Old 07-09-2009, 11:12 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Texas, USA
Posts: 159
Default First time breeding questions

Hi I am very new to this site- this is only my third post/thread thingy lol. Anyway I am planning on breeding my little ten month old girl in the future. Please tell me the earliest safe time for her to have puppies. I want Miley and her pups to be ok. Also, she hasnt had her first heat yet and she is pretty small. Is this normal? I have read that smaller dogs have longer periods of time between their heats? Can a dog that hasnt gotten her first heat yet or isnt in heat at the time still get pregnant? I wouldnt do that to Miley if it wasnt safe, but just wondering. Also, how much should i pay for a stud male for her? I only have $95 at the time. Oh, one more thing. Where can I find a godo mentor? I read it is good for a first timer to have a mentor. Sorry for asking so many questions, but i want to do everything right. Any other help is
apprecieated. Thank you, wolflover

Last edited by wolflover; 07-09-2009 at 11:13 AM.
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