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Old 07-08-2009, 08:29 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by KimberlySRN View Post
I use to raise bunnies and you did the right thing. If she got her foot stuck I would recommend going to KW cages and purchasing a plastic grate for the bottom of the cage. I am not sure what it is called, but I use to use it for momma's with babies so the babies didn't get injured. It allows the poo and pee to get through just not there feet. I had a doe that got her heel stuck and her front 2 toes stuck...I had to cut the whole bottom of the cage out to get her free and I used the grates ever since. i'm glad she is okay. Just make sure to keep it clean and she should heal.
Thanks, I didn't know there were different grates you could get for the cages, I've always been afraid of her getting caught in that thing but the only other cages I could find had plastic tub-like bottoms. But now I'm going to get a new cage, and I'm definitely going to get one of those plastic grates for the bottom! Thanks a bunch
Kati,Duke,and Lucie
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