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Old 07-08-2009, 07:20 PM   #1
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Default Someone who has RABBITS Please read/help me!!

Hey guys, I havent been on in a really long time, but when I used to come here all the time there was someone who had a couple rabbits, I just don't remember their name.

This afternoon I was vaccuming around my rabbits cage like normal, she was hopping in her cage, and she got her foot stuck in the top area, she started screeching, my husband came running into the room (because I was screaming hysterically because I couldnt get her free) he got her loose, and I checked her paw, from what I can tell one toenail was either ripped out or broken, I put quick stop on her to stop the bleeding (it wasn't gushing blood or anything). Aside from being terrified if she is going to have a heart attack from it now, I don't know what else to do for her. She is sitting at the bottom level of her cage, she has cleaned her foot a little, she nibbles on food, but still doesn't seem quite herself. Is there anything else I need to do for her?
Kati,Duke,and Lucie
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