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Old 06-26-2009, 04:07 PM   #1
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Posts: 449
Default Yes, my dog is a moose

I've read other threads where people have made rude comments about the size of someone's yorkie but it never happened to me...until today. I took Marley and Pippin to Petsmart to get their nails clipped. I was walking around the store with Pippin while Marley was getting his nails done. A woman comes down the aisle with 4 yorkies in a shopping cart. One of her dogs saw Pippin, and jumped out of the cart and came running over. I held on to him until she came and got him. I took Pippin over to see the others, and all of them acted like they were long lost friends. It was too cute.

Anyway, I was looking at her babies and she says "Oh, yours is sooo cute...and sooo big", and with that she looks at her friend with her eyes bugging out of her head like she just saw this mutant creature. I was so surprised by her comment I couldnt even respond. I just smiled and keep on walking.

I know Pip isn't in the 7 pound standard range, but at 8 and a half pounds I don't consider him enormous. I wouldn't love him any less if he weighed 40 pounds, and was sprouting antlers.

If she thought he was "HUGE" that's fine, but what is the purpose of making a comment like that to a stranger? Sorry for the rant, but I'm still shaking my head trying to understand what satisifaction it gave her. I don't know if she couldn't resist pointing out to her friend that my dog isn't perfect, or if she wanted to make sure I understood that my dog is too big.
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