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Old 06-25-2009, 06:51 AM   #13
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Animal Smiley 049 We're home

We're home from the vet visit and Buddy seems to have a soft tissue
injury. The vet first suspected Lymes, due to the area where we live,
lameness is usually the first sign. Even tho he received the Lyme shot
a month ago and tested negative at that time she drew blood to test
again. No Lymes so she suspects a soft tissue injury. He received an
injection of Metacam to releive any pain he's feeling with liquid Metacam
for a week to help ease muscle and ligament pain. If it were fractured
he would be screaming in pain she said. If this is not better by our
next week visit x-ray's will be done at that time. Soft tissues injuries
do not show up on x-rays. They would have to sedate him for the
x-rays, no way will he cooperate, I know, so I am praying this heals.

Just to mention about Lymes. There is a new preventive out called
Vectra 3D which I purchased at her request instead of using Frontline,
since this product kills all ticks. She also told me not to stretch the
weeks from 4-6 because it's important to use once a month.
She understood my worry about these products, she has them also,
but Lymes can go right to the kidneys also and your pet does not
have a chance for survival if that happens. Scary. We do live in
a highly populated area. Deer are all over. I am looking a three at
I type this right outside my window.
Well anyhow Buddy needs rest, no jumping, yea like that's gonna happen.
She said he was so brave, as she looked down at his MUZZLED face.
Thanks for keeping him in your prayer's. I am sure he will be well in a
couple of days. In the meantime I am babying him and enjoying every
minute of it. Carrying him to potty is hard. He's so heavy.
Have a great day,

Last edited by ARCHIE; 06-25-2009 at 06:53 AM.
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