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Old 06-17-2009, 03:46 PM   #1
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Default For those with 2 (or more) Yorkies

This has been on my mind for a while. JoJo has severe separation anxiety and it breaks my heart to leave him alone whenever I leave. And when I am home with him there's only so much attention I can give him. I wish I could entertain him all day, but obviously that's impossible. I think sometimes he feels lonely and bored (more than likely it's just my guilt, but I can't help it!). So I've been thinking about getting another Yorkie, but I don't know if it would be the right decision. What I do know is that if I get another one, I'd prefer to rescue one, or adopt an older one, rather than get a puppy. I've come to realize that puppies will always find homes, while the older ones sometimes tend to get overlooked and it breaks my heart. And I'm thinking I'd rather have another boy, I guess because I figure 2 neutered boys would get along better than a boy and a girl?? Honestly, I really don't know!

Keeping his separation anxiety in mind, can anyone tell me what the pros and cons of having 2 Yorkies are, and what things I should consider should I decide to adopt a second one? Any experiences with boy/boy or boy/girl, etc? I really appreciate it.
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