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Old 06-16-2009, 10:08 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by myteddybear View Post
I have heard that a teaspoon of beer will help milk production. Also can she have puppy milk replacement? I give Honey all she wants and she has about 3-4 bowls a day along with her canned puppy food and cottage cheese that she eats at least 3 sometimes 4 times a day.

I also saw some recipies on the internet for milk supplement that helps milk production. I will look for them again and post here.

I am sorry she had such a rough time. It must be so frustrating that they don't know what caused it.

I would definately make sure to be feeding those puppies regularly until her milk is better.
Yes, I gave her a little bit of the puppy milk replacement. She looked at me like I was but went ahead and drank it. I only gave her few tablespoons to make she wouldn't throw up. I will offer it to her freely tomorrow.

I will continue offering the bottle at regular feeding schedule, until he catches up.

I swear, for such an easy pregnancy and delivery, this part is so difficult. Our vets uses scissors for the tails (), and Cassie took out the little girls stitch. We brought her back in to the vet today to get some glue, but now she keeps licking that, and it looks like it is coming apart.

That vet will laugh me out of the city when I call for yet one more thing!

Thanks for your help!
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