I didn't even mention that I had put her little pink and white striped sundress on her and bow in her hair for the party.....I had remarks you wouldn't even believe!! My brother actually was calling her a slut. They think it's all in fun and blah blah but it was tasteless and lacked all cooth. I got so mad I told my brother well your dog runs around naked all of the time so I guess that makes her a whore (not proud of myself for that one). They're the ones that think only their dogs are the best. Drives me nuts. I love all dogs and wouldn't dream of saying such nasty rude things unless I'm provoked. Most of the time I just keep my mouth shut but they pushed me that night. Not that they cared much what I had to say. I'm planning to start up a little business making and selling dog clothes. I hope it does well just so they can see that it might even help pay the bills to dress my dog!
__________________ "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies, it comes from the love in my dogs eyes" |