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Old 06-09-2009, 05:50 PM   #6
Luv my Angel, too!
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Heck - it gets expensive with just two!!!!

After the first year of boosters, I will only vaccinate my girls with the 3-year rabies vaccine. I spend the extra money to do it with my vet however, as she gives only about 1/4 of the vaccine because of their size. I doubt they would do that at a shot clinic. We use Interceptor for the monthly heartworm medicine and it's fairly inexpensive ($40 for six months) as these meds go. I do not use flea protection as the girls use indoor potty pads and I also use shampoos with essential oils that are natural flea repellants.

That being said, I still do yearly check-ups with the vet (about $100), yearly fecals exams (about $30) and my Sissy has an intestinal disorder that has required special bloodwork that costs around $200 (and probably will for another year or two). They girls are also on a special diet (Sissy because of her illness - Angel as a precaution). This runs about $100 every 2-3 months.
Sissy & Angel
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