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Old 05-27-2009, 12:16 PM   #17
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by TammyJM View Post
I am full of questions today. So here's some more...what supplies do you plan to have on hand for delivery? I plan to have Nutri-Cal drops ( Bovidr Laboratories Inc - Pet Nutri-Drops #122-150-Z ), Calsorb ( calsorb ), whelping pudding for Livi, Geoff is building this whelping box for her:
I will have the heating pad, blankets, towels....what are the other basics that I am missing?? I was told by a breeder that she uses her fingernail instead of the this an okay idea??

I have prepared and researched for over three years, but now that she is pregnant, I feel lost and confused. It's so different when it's your own fur kid that is facing delivery!

I like hemostats myself, sometimes you get a cord that bleeds so I leave the hemostats on the pup until the cord stops bleeding.

Scissors, Clock that displays seconds, paper and pen for writing down birth times, contractions, time in between births ... digital postage scale to keep track of pups weights, alcohol to clean tools, emergency formula and bottles/syringes in case a pup doesn't want to nurse, I buy a big stack of wash clothes (they are just the right size for cleaning pups off). Also, KY jelly in case she has a hard time pushing a pup out. Don't forget to have your emergency numbers handy, I've called my own vets a few times during delivery and it's a lot easier having the numbers in your "birthing box" than having to search through the phone book.
Sue White
Colorful Yorkshire Terrier Club
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