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Old 05-27-2009, 06:43 AM   #1
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Default Yesterday's vet visit - skin discoloration

Yesterday I took Layla to the vet because of some dark grayish spots on her tummy. They've actually kind of taken over her whole tummy area now, and it's all dark and flaky
Since I wanted to get her in soon and our regular vet wasn't available until Thursday, we saw the other vet there. I was glad! Last year we had the same kind of problem except the spots were reddish. The vet immediately said bacterial infection and gave us antibiotics, without doing any testing. The vet we saw yesterday said it could be a number of things, from allergies to bacterial infection to hormone imbalance to mange.... he sent us home with a lotion to rub on her 3 times a day. He wants to see us back in 2 weeks to see if it has improved at all. If not, he will decide on the next course of action - either blood testing or skin biopsy. I'm hoping it clears with the lotion, but I'm really happy about him wanting to find the root of the problem instead of just giving antibiotics and that's it!
Lindsey and Layla, Lucy, and Kash
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