Thread: Poor Bella!
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Old 05-24-2009, 04:09 PM   #6
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I agree that having something with your scent on it will comfort your puppy during the night. Use a blanket that she can snuggle up with. She needs your smell on her bed.
I do not know why she is not allowed on your bed anymore, however, this will be a rough transition for her since she has already been sleeping on the bed with you guys.
if it all possible, could you make a little bed for her in your room? or does she know how to jump on your bed? If so, then having her in a separate room would be the answer . Just be certain she is comfortable , and don't use anything that she can chew through, that would be dangerous.
my Suzi is allowed to sleep on my bed, and there has not ever been any problems. She is protective, and I feel safe when she's with me.
Is your partner really being reasonable? I just do not understand myself why it would be such a big deal?
"No matter how little money & how few possessions, you own, having a dog makes you rich."
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